Tereza Masárová

Forum Replies Created

  • Author
  • April 9, 2024 at 7:14 pm #6440

    – How do you handle suspicious emails or messages in your inbox?
    I choose not to engage with these messages. Instead, I ignore or promptly delete them. This helps to minimize any potential risks associated with clicking on unknown links or opening attachments. To further enhance security, I have a specific email account for online shopping and less critical web interactions. This helps in separating potential spam or suspicious emails from my primary email, keeping it secure and organized.

    – How often do you update your passwords for online accounts?
    I update my passwords based on the importance of the account. For critical accounts such as banking or work-related platforms, I change passwords more frequently.
    For less critical accounts, I create strong and unique passwords from the start. Unless there is a specific reason for concern, I do not change them frequently.
    Before deciding on a password update, I evaluate the risk associated with the account. Accounts holding sensitive personal or financial information are prioritized for password changes. These practices help me maintain a balance between security measures and convenience, ensuring that my online presence remains protected against potential cyber threats.