
Forum Replies Created

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  • April 21, 2024 at 5:28 pm #6453

    How do you handle suspicious emails or messages in your inbox? : First of all I check who sent the email, the title, and address. If. I see anything suspiscious I delete the email and block it in my system.

    How often do you update your passwords for online accounts?– I think not often enough. I should change it more frequently. I set up reminders to change my passwords every 3-9 months

    March 24, 2024 at 4:50 pm #6057

    How do you handle suspicious emails or messages in your inbox?

    When encountering suspicious emails or messages in my inbox, I first scrutinise the sender’s address and the content for any irregularities or inconsistencies. I refrain from clicking on any links or downloading attachments if the source seems suspicious. Next, I verify the legitimacy of the message by cross-referencing with known contacts or official channels if applicable. Finally, if the incidents occurs at work, I report the suspicious email to the appropriate IT department.

    How often do you update your passwords for online accounts?
    I try to update my passwords for online accounts regularly, typically every 6 months. Whenever there’s news of a data breach or security vulnerability, I make sure I review my passwords immediately as a precautionary measure. Additionally, I opt for strong, unique passwords for each account to further boost my security.