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  • November 20, 2023 at 3:37 pm #4760

    Dear participants, welcome to the forum discussion of CHIEF INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER course!

    Please give us your answer/opinion about the following:

    • How do you handle suspicious emails or messages in your inbox?
    • How often do you update your passwords for online accounts?
    March 22, 2024 at 11:12 am #6047

    How do you handle suspicious emails or messages in your inbox?

    When I receive suspicious emails or messages in my inbox, I always follow certain practices to handle them. First, I never click on any links or download any attachments from suspicious emails. I also avoid providing any personal information or credentials in response to such messages. Instead, I report the suspicious emails to my email provider or IT department if it’s a work-related account. Additionally, I make sure to mark the email as spam or phishing to help train the email filter and prevent similar emails from reaching my inbox in the future.

    How often do you update your passwords for online accounts?

    I make it a point to update my passwords for online accounts regularly. Typically, I update my passwords every three to six months, especially for sensitive accounts such as banking, email, and social media accounts. Regularly updating passwords helps enhance security and reduce the risk of unauthorized access to my accounts.

    March 22, 2024 at 9:15 pm #6052

    I would personally create an email filtering rule in addition to reporting the spam email. I think that if you want something to be done, you have to do it yourself, just to make sure.
    As for passwords, I think that changing passwords is good and all, but there’s an issue with the frequent password changes – people tend to keep the same password and just change one symbol or number. It’s very important to change your entire password, not just one symbol, also the password length matters. I think that these days it’s more important to have 2FA turned on.
    Also I’ve noticed that there’s an another issue which was unaddressed – using the same password on multiple websites. In my opinion that’s just asking for trouble, because “the bad guys” are going to try your password on the other websites(assuming they have got your password somehow).

    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Sfinksas33.
    April 14, 2024 at 1:48 pm #6445

    Suspicious Emails/Messages: I promptly assess the sender, subject, and content for legitimacy. If uncertain, I refrain from clicking links or downloading attachments and report the message if necessary.

    Password Updates: I regularly refresh passwords for online accounts, aiming for every 3-6 months, or immediately following any security breach or suspicion of compromise.

    April 21, 2024 at 5:28 pm #6453

    How do you handle suspicious emails or messages in your inbox? : First of all I check who sent the email, the title, and address. If. I see anything suspiscious I delete the email and block it in my system.

    How often do you update your passwords for online accounts?– I think not often enough. I should change it more frequently. I set up reminders to change my passwords every 3-9 months

    June 19, 2024 at 5:05 pm #6735

    I prioritize caution to safeguard my personal information and maintain online security. Upon receiving an email or message that seems suspicious, I carefully examine the sender’s details, including the email address and content. If the sender is unfamiliar or the message appears unexpected, I avoid opening any attachments or clicking on links embedded within the email. Instead, I report such emails as spam or phishing attempts and delete them promptly to prevent potential security risks.

    I try to proactively update my passwords for online accounts on a regular basis. This practice helps mitigate the risk of unauthorized access due to compromised passwords. Additionally, I ensure that my passwords are strong and unique for each account, and I enable two-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security. By maintaining these practices, I strive to protect my online accounts from potential threats and maintain a secure digital presence.

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